Rector, Prof. Edwin Onyeneje in a group photograph with the Chairman of Council and other staff

Rector, Prof Edwin Onyeneje (3rd R) with the Chairman of Council, Chief (Dr.) Silva E. Ameh (4th L) and other Members of Council and Management
The Rector Prof. Edwin Onyeneje (5th L) in a group with the Chairman of Council Chief (Dr,) Silva Ameh (C) and some members of staff.
Rector, Prof. Edwin Onyeneje (2nd L) in a group photograph with the Chairman of Council, Chief (Dr,) Silva Ameh (C) a member of Council, Mr Shauibu Ismail (1st R) Registrar, Barr. Grace Eze-Ali (3rd L) Bursar, Mrs. Regina Eze (1st L) and the Polytechnic Librarian, Dr, Ejike Igwebuike (2nd R)
L-R: The Registrar, Barr. Mrs. Grace Ogba Eze-Ali, The Rector, Prof. Edwin Onyeneje, The Bursar, Mrs. Regina Eze and The Polytechnic Librarian, Dr. Ejike Igwebuike during a meeting.


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